CBI, which questioned the YSR Congress president Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy on Nov 4 as a witness in the illegal mining case registered against the former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan reddy, is now gearing up to question him again.
CBI officials are likely to issue notices to Jagan in the next two days asking him to appear before them again for further questioning. The second time questioning of Jagan would be tough as the CBI sleuths would confront him on the answers he already provided with the evidence they have collected.
Reports indicated that the investigating agency has already prepared a list of questions for the second round of his grilling in the illegal mining case.
ED calls Jagan to Delhi
Enforcement Directorate has issued summons to Jagan asking him to appear in its head office himself or send his power of attorney representative on or before Nov 28 as part of the investigations being carried out in the cases registered against him under the FEMA and Money laundering Act.
If the charged are proved in the cases, Jagan may be jailed for a minimum of seven years and he may not get bail also as per the rules.
SEBI eyes on Jagan
The securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) is reportedly planning to issue summons to Jagan for violating several financial rules and regulations in attracting investments into his companies.
Reports said the SEBI has concluded that companies owed by Jagan has misled the investors and attracted huge investments. The regulatory body has come to this conclusion after the international auditing firm Deloitte has given an affidavit to the CBI saying that Jagathi group has forced them to artificially hike the values of its companies.