The CBI, which has arrested the illegal mining baron Mr Gali Janardhan reddy and his brother in law Mr Srinivasa reddy, has issued look out notices for their auditor Rukmini, personal secretaries Ali Khan and Chandra Kante.
All airports in India are asked to be alert for their moments at the airports as they are suspected to be trying to flee the country.
The investigating agency has established that Gali’s illegal mining activities and black money affairs were handled by these three persons, besides his close followers Swastik Nagaraju and Karampudi Mahesh.
All of them have gone underground but later Nagaraju and Mahesh turned up before the CBI. However, the remaining three are still at large escaping the eye of the CBI net. Top officials of the agency believe all of them are acting as benami contacts of Gali brothers.
The CBI is making an all out effort to nab them as soon as possible to extract more information regarding the illegal mining activities.
Gali reduces weight
Gali Janardhan reddy lost three kg of weight after he was arrested and put in the Chanchalguda jail 18 days ago in the illegal mining case.
When he was arrested, he weighed 93 kg but now he is only 90 kg, according to jail sources.