A hearing was held in the DGP office at Hyderabad today over the allegations that former Vijayawada Police Commissioner Mr Sitaramanjaneyulu sent indecent SMS messages to some women in Vijayawada during his tenure as CP.
Both Sitaramanjaneyulu and the Vijayawada City TDP leader Mr Vallabhaneni Vamsi have attended the hearing and appeared before the inquiry officer Mr Durga Prasad, also a senior IPS officer.
Mr. Sitaramanjaneyulu was transferred to Hyderabad after he faced the allegations that he had sent indecent messages to women in Vijayawada but the IPS officer denied the allegations and said it was a conspiracy hatched out by Vallabhaneni Vamsi.
The visuals of the indecent messages purportedly sent by Sitaramanjaneyulu were also telecast by a Telugu TV channel leading to a controversy.