Amid allegations that the TDP chief Mr Nara Chandrababu Naidu had a secret meeting with the Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram last night in Delhi for about an hour, TDP rebel MLA Mr. Nagam Janardhan Reddy today alleged that the former chief minister had gone to Delhi to obstruct the creation of Telangana state.
Sakshi TV channel this morning reported that Chandra Babu, now on a Delhi tour, met Chidambaram secretly and held consultations for one hour last night. “He disappeared for one hour and went out in an MP’s car to Chidambaram without any security,” said the channel.
Addressing a media meet in Hyderabad this evening, Nagam demanded Chandrababu to reveal the contents of his secret meeting with the Home Minister. He also demanded the TDP leaders of the Telangana region to quit their posts again to prove their sincerity towards Telangana.
“People’s representatives of all parties of the Telangana should resign immediately for the sake of Telangana,” Janardhan reddy said. In a separate media conference, TRS leader Harish Rao demanded the government to conduct the SI examinations only after the removal of 14 F. “The removal of the clause 14 F is not just enough. Fresh notification should be issued again for the examinations after deleting the clause,” he said.