Ms Srija, the second daughter of mega star and PRP leader Chiranjeevi, who has lodged a complaint with Hyderabad police against her husband Sirish Bharadwaj and mother-in-law Surya Mangala under the anti-dowry Act, told the investigating teams on Tuesday that she had sent emails to her father and other family members whenever she was abused and beaten by Bharadwaj.
In a recorded statement, she told police that Mr Bharadwaj and his mother used to beat and kick her. “Once, my husband banged my head on to the wall injuring me severely,” Srija told police. She also complained that Bhardwaj used to keep her child away from her most of the times.
It may be mentioned that women’s wing of the Central Crime Station of Hyderabad has booked a case against Mr Bhardwaj and his mother on her complaint and is now collecting evidence in the case.
CCS deputy commissioner of police, J. Satyanarayana told media persons that the police have sought the printed copies of the emails for corroboration and also asked for the copies of the documents of properties which she said were re-registered in the name of her father and mother.
Police officials have collected the medical bills regarding the injury caused to her head by her husband. Srija told police that her father-in-law is a good person. “He never said anything that hurt me,” she told police in her statement.