The love marriage of Srija, second daughter of mega star and PRP Chief Chiranjeevi is falling into pieces. Srija, who eloped and married Mr Sirish Bharadwaj against the wishes of her parents in 2007, has lodged a complaint with the Central Crime station women police two days ago against her husband and mother-in-law saying that she was being physically abused by both of them. When they married, Srija was 19 and Sirish was 22.
Police commissioner AK Khan said that they had registered case against them under the Dowry harassment and Dowry Prohibition Act.
In her complaint, Srija alleged that her husband started harassing her after a year of marriage and was expecting money always from her but she had kept quiet as she married him against the wishes of her parents and also as she was blessed with a daughter.
As the harassment for money continued, she felt insecure and transferred all her properties to her parents through a re-registration, she said in her complaint. “After that, the harassment increased and all my moments are being watched,” she said.
She said her husband and her mother-in-law asked her to bring Rs.50 lakh some days ago. “After that, I came home and did not go back to him,” she said in her complaint. Mr Bharadwaj is a member of Central Board of Film Certification Regional Office in Hyderabad.