Lok Satta Chief Jayaprakash Narayana said today that TRS members and TDP members of the Telangana area violated constitution by obstructing the speech of the governor in the joint session of assembly and legislative council and by throwing papers and mikes towards the governor.
Speaking to media at the media point soon after the pandemonium-filled governor speech, JP found fault with the behaviour of the members and suggested dissolution of the assembly and imposition of president rule in the state.
“I convey my apologies to the freedom fighters of India for this behaviour of members,” JP said emotionally and almost weeping.
“Those who took the oath to protect the constitution of India are violating it. There is no constitution in the state. We are also not in a position to rule the state as per the constitution and we don’t have that capacity,” he said and added that it is better to dissolve the assembly and impose president rule.