Andhrawishesh.com extends warm greetings to all Telugu people, residing in and out of Andhra Pradesh, on the occasion of Telugu New Year ‘Khara’ which commences at the dot of 1907 IST on Sunday April 3, 2011.
‘Khara’ is the name of a giant demon belonging to the tribe of the Ravana. Sanskrit dictionaries describe Khara as the leader of demons that lived during the times of Ravana of the epic Ramayana.
With the onset of the Kharanama Samvatsara beginning with the Chaitra Suddha Padyami, the New Year reminds us of the dangers lying ahead as we advance and progress with our professions and activities.
It is true like every Telugu New Year, this Kharanama Samvatsara Ugadi too would see celebrations at our homes with the tasting of the Ugadi chutney and wearing of new clothes.
Every Ugadi is a mix of four different qualities - Sweetness, sourness, bitterness and pungency that are part of our lives entangled in sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise. But this Ugadi will surely remind us of the dominating part of the anger that we will face in the year ahead going by the name of Khara.
The basic source of demonic nature in every body and in every action that undermines and destroys our lives is the character of anger lying in our sub conscious minds. It is always there in our bodies and minds and comes out at random resulting in ill feelings, envy, hatred, self deception, selfishness, hypocrisy, confusion and violence, the main destructive forces in any body’s life.
Let us make a new beginning coinciding with the onset of the Kharanama Ugadi by driving out the ingredient of anger from our bodies and souls to usher in happiness and prosperity.