The story of Roja and Chiranjeevi is a long one. Their friendship began when they entertained audiences in the 90s in various films. Their hatred started with entry into politics.
Who knew how this couple would have turned out? Actor Chiranjeevi and Actress Roja were reel partners. They shared good chemistry in films such as Big Boss and Mutha Mestri. According to the most recent comments by politician Roja, she was like family to Chiranjeevi and was considered an able dancer beside the actor.
People grow up, they change. For better or for worse, the fiery couple are now famous enemies. It began with Roja, when she verbally attacked politician Chiranjeevi since the time he began dabbling in politics. It is true that he received a lot of flak from all directions over his recent decisions. But, for someone who was like family once, Roja has not shown him any kindness. Check out this video of her spiteful comments.
That pretty much sums up her 'not personal' attack on the 'sensitive' Chiranjeevi. The Tourism Minister, on his part, did lash out at his brother Naga Babu for being a part of a TV show Jabardasth with Roja. Such is his turmoil after enduring years of negativity from her.
It has come to a point where Chiranjeevi just scowls and turns away if he sees her. She made one of the most polite comments recently when she said that he has a serious frown on his face. The reason could be her, or simply politics in general, which can get very dirty.
Roja jumped from TDP to YSRCP, while Chiru merged his PRP with Congress. It makes people wonder whether she made all those comments for political gain, as she says her words were not meant personally against Chiranjeevi. The feisty lady is known to make harsh comments on even Chandrababu Naidu. Hence, a reel couple have become real life enemies.
(AW: Sruthi)