While we were busy, many events were taking place around the world. Among these, some were noteworthy for their exuberance. Here is a presentation of some of the most interesting pictures taken today by the picture team of The Guardian. Above, a boy in China was captured in the photographer's lens while jumping into the Han river with the sun setting behind him.
Here, another sunset is captured, this time over Las Vegas. Noticeable in the background is smoke rising up from the Carpenter 1 wildfire.
Ramadan has arrived. A man in Lancashire walks across the street in time for prayers in the the Masjid e Tauheedul mosque. Today marks the first day of the holy month.
While the Muslims fast, a South African girl in the small town of Nkaneng feeds her sister.
In Spain, a bull chase in progress is caught beautifully. People run and push each other as the bulls charge onto them without hesitation in Pamplona.
At home, the Indian Army is a force to reckon with. A photographer for The Guardian clicks a picture for eternity while army recruits observe protocol during the passing out parade. The recruits are at attention at a garrison in Rangreth.
These lovely pictures presented above are just a few of the many events happening in the world at this point in time.
Picture Courtesy: The Guardian
(AW: Sruthi)