One film and a star over night. I suppose this statement would suit best to Sonakshi Sinha. The Actress with her plump looks and decent on screen appearance in her debut film 'Dabanng' opposite Salman khan, had sparkled her charm on the entire B - Town. Post the film, Sona has reduced a whooping 30+ kilos of all her extra flab in order to suit to the roles that are offered to today's generation ka Heroines. Making a debut into films as a daughter of Veteran Actor Shatrungh Sinha, Sonakshi Sinha made her independent identity right from her first film itself. Apart from achieving continuous success with her films opposite Stars like Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgan, Now, the Actress will be seen close to 4 to 5 films that are under the shooting progress.
Till most recent, Sonakshi flaunted her image of being 'Single'. But, looks like, 'Band Baaja Baraat's fame Ranveer singh did not liked this image of Sonakshi convincing and the Actor, who is no more seeing his first film's co-star, Anushka Sharma, started seeing Sonakshi Sinha.
But, as usual both Sonakshi and Ranveer say they are very good friends and are no seeing each other 'At the Moment'. Got it bacchhoo, 'At the Moment'.
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