Power Star Pawan Kalyan had cast his mystique spell on his fans with his latest blockbuster Gabbar Singh. The ticket counter revenues were not revealed by the producer Bandla Ganesh and many speculate that it was as per instructions of Gabbar Singh himself. Basically Pawan Kalyan always maintained a low profile all through his career. The excellent combinations of debut Director Harish Shankar, Music Composer Devi Sri Prasad and Cinematographer Jayanth set the box office on fire. The melody numbers still rock the charts even after reaching hundred days at the theaters. This was what is called Power Star effect, which was well awaited from the fans ever since Kushi was released.
Pawan's career was on a roller coaster ride since Kushi, once a sensational block buster. But ever since then, Pawan went through a dry patch and probably very rare in the tinsel world that his charmy spell at the openings never failed. However Gabbar Singh compensated all previous misgivings. Gabbar Singh set standards to all records and scaled even uneven peaks reminding the mystique charms of the great star.
Basically if one takes a deeper look at Pawan Kalyan, he is a genuine human being unlike most show offs in the tinsel world. He never indulges or over bears, and there are no instants that are quoted in the media about the star's negative side, probably that never ever existed, say his close sources. Only once he was exuberantly attacking in a function against a renowned veteran who verbally tried to down score his brother Megastar on the podium. But that was a thing of the past and along with him millions of Megastar's 'thammudulu' (brothers) also felt similarly on this particular occasion and he represented their feelings cumulatively.
Pawan Kalyan, as the Gabbar Singh producer Bandla Gansh had said is a virtuous man and is a good friend. He is subtle, humble and family loving person, as per his close circles. In these days of individual families where the wife, husband and children form the epi-centers, Pawan still cherishes to be in the shadows of his brother Megastar. Yet he never compromises on his sentiments. Be it Prince Mahesh Babu or Victory Venkatesh, Don Nagarjuna or Badshah NTR all would have nothing but praise of the star who has been epitome of human strengths. From Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi (1996) to Gabbar Singh (2012), Pawan has proved as 'Power vunna star Power Star'
Another spectacle is a shear coincidence that as Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger is heading towards a hundred crore mark with in 4-5 days of release, his another movie Dabangg remake in Telugu Gabbar Singh sets standards at the box office breaking all records. However Probably, owing to the plight of the Assamese exodus, the film makers never celebrated the 100 days function or might be planning a mammoth 150 days function shortly, feel fans. Wishesh wishes the star on Gabbar Singh celebrating the 100 days at the ticket counter. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)