Holidaying is a wonderful experience one would ever have. But, one has to be very selective and careful in selecting the areas to explore failing which one would be ending up throwing himself in a dangerous situation. Andhra Wishesh brings before you one such unusual incident!
The story is about Patrick, who left on a picnic along with his friends to a strange place. While he expected some adventure and surprise, he face the worst encounter of his lifetime and a big shock.
Seventeen-year-old Patrick, who fought with polar bear that killed his life, recalls the horrifying incident, which took place a year ago. On August 5, Patrick along with his friend of the same age group left for Svalbard Islands on an expedition. The islands, which is located off the coast of Norway has so much to offer to adventure tourists. However, there are also risks involved as polar bears reside in large number in that region.
Not caring about the risks, Patrick his friend and the expedition leader left for the place. On reaching there, they have set up tents and dozed off. Some time in the mid night, Patrick heard cries and woke up suddenly. He noticed a giant polar bear, which already killed his friend Chapple. The 14 feet tall bear jumped on Patrick and the brave boy fought with the polar bear bravely and one of the trip friends, Redi had finally shot dead it. But, by then Patrick was critically injured.
Patrick collapsed at the spot for more than an hour before he was picked up by a rescue helicopter. The surgeons who operated upon Patrick removed many teeth from the skull of Patrick. They have also conducted another two operations on his face, ear and arms. The horrified Patrick said the incident was worst than a nightmare and said he would never again go to any place on a holiday where there are polar bears.
So, friends always take a second opinion before you decide a place for picnic. Never blindly follow instincts. If possible inquire someone who already visited the place you have on mind.
(AW Phani)