The Mumbai audience at the Colors Screen Awards held in the MMRDA grounds had a big surprise awaiting them, the other day. As usual the awards function was a celebrated occasion. And when the Deepika Padukone and Subhash Ghai announced the best Actor award to Ranbir Kapoor (RK), there was flutter in the audience. As the whole lot, was anticipating something weird. The ex-lovers were to meet together on stage for the first time after parting. But it was RK who had the prankish touch to the event, which sent out peals of laughter among the onlookers and the people involved.
The moment the award was announced RK walked on to stage to collect the award. He bent down to take the blessing from the veteran Subhash Ghai and later touched Dippy’s feet too. The action took all by surprise and instantly Dippy burst out into laughter followed by all around. Probably this is a sort of a patch out, framed by the young Kapoor, who is all set to act along with her in Ayan Mukerji's Yeh Jawaani Yeh Deewani. But the audience anticipated a repeat act from Dippy when she was nominated as the Best Actress. Unfortunately it was the trio of Prateik, Sharman Joshi and Mugdha Godse who gave her the trophy.
This was a little dismay to the onlookers. Could this be a sign of make over by the duo? Sidd has to be cautious and equally outrageous too!!! (AarKay)