Since her wedding to Raj Kundra, Shilpa has been spotted wearing the black and gold beads on her wrist. Many times Shilpa Shetty was spotted wearing her Mangala sutra on her wrist. Earlier, during a press conference of Star Plus' Zara Nachke Dikha, it wasn't just a luxury brand watch that Shilpa Shetty flaunted on her right hand. Underneath the leather straps, press could spot a delicate string of black beads. When the round locket popped out, it confirmed our doubts that Shilpa was indeed wearing her Mangalsutra on her wrist!
When probed Shilpa about this she said, "Well, I'm dressed in western attire and the Mangalsutra wouldn't go with it. So instead of wearing it on my neck, I wrapped it around my wrist." Asked if it was a mangalsutra, she said, “I don’t wear a mangalsutra on my neck unless I’m in Indian attire. I’ve turned it into a bracelet.”
Well, is it a compulsion to wear Mangalsutra everyday that Shilpa had to wear it some way or the other? To this the actress simply said, "No, I like wearing it every day. That's why I chose to wear it on my wrist."
Ahem, to each his own. But we just pray that we don't have to witness a day when some other celebrity makes an anklet out of a Mangalsutra!
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