Wrong Calls - a menace, sometimes traumatic

November 12, 2011 09:58
Wrong Calls - a menace, sometimes traumatic

Mobile phones are a boon in a way and a bane in many ways. The advent of cheap phones and cheap call rates resulted in deeper penetration. A utility device for the moving, but a weapon in the hands of miscreants.

India continues to be one of the fastest growing major telecom markets in the world. It is also one of the largest. Sweeping reforms introduced by successive Indian governments over the decade have dramatically changed scenario. The mobile sector has grown from around 10 million subscribers in 2002 to pass the 750 million mark by the end of 2010 and the market was growing strongly into 2011.

All this hue of development shadows the abuse faced by the subscriber by the number of wrong calls. Most of these go unnoticed, as an average Indian tends to complain about such petty issues. The issues are similar across the globe only the reaction differs.

Infact an incident in Georgia, where someone accidentally dialed a wrong number, and it resulted in a big quarrel. Apparently, following the wrong number, angry phone calls and texts were exchanged between the two guys, before they agreed to meet in a drug store parking lot, where one of them got shot (and the other got arrested). In this case it was a case of dialing without intention, but the result was gruesome.

But the scenario out here is quite different there are definite miscreants in India who utilize this gadget only to make wrong calls, courtesy to the growing cheap phones and call rates. The callers persistently call you at all odd times and if the receiver is a female then the trouble is doubled. In bizarre incident in the recent times, the identity of the people is changed as per the victims request.

One Mr. X called a frequent wrong caller, hit upon a Miss. Y on one of his endeavours. With pleasing phonetic manners deceived the girl with his elite politeness and of his malign intensions. He befriended her for some time, which resulted in an invitation from the girl, when her parents were away. Mr. X came along with his friend and spoke with the girl for a while. Only after the duo left did the foolish girl realize that she was robbed of the gold in the house.

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