Bollywood star actress Shilpa Shetty is returning to the big screen after four years with the Sino-Indian venture "The Desire". After her well acclaimed performance in 2007 when she appeared in two successive movies, Life in a Metro and Apne, with her performance in the former drawing positive reviews.
Shilpa, who married Britain-based Indian businessman Raj Kundra in 2009, wants to focus on her personal life and business. I have taken a backseat from showbiz purely out of choice because I am really enjoying what I am doing. I've been there and done that, Shilpa told reporters.
The 36-year-old is soon going to make her debut as a producer. She said my production isn't on hold. We are still working on it and there will be an official announcement very soon.
Her film, "The Desire", chronicles the journey of an Indian classical dancer, Goutami played by Shilpa, and the love story between her and a Chinese artist, Jai Leang, whom she meets during a travel assignment.
She also added I miss being on the silver screen but I have learnt to prioritize things and my marriage is obviously my first priority.