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Dandruff... a skin disease??? July 03, 2012 09:48

You might have had an vague idea about this, but actually, it is true. dandruff on hair is a skin disease for sure. to treat it, know about it; The Facts on Dandruff Dandruff is a harmless, chronic condition that occurs when the scalp becomes dry or greasy and produces white flakes of dead skin that appear in the hair or on the shoulders. People most often think of dandruff as anything that produces a flaky scalp. Although it is harmless, dandruff can be embarrassing for those who have it. Dandruff usually starts between the ages of 10 and 20 and affects up to 40% of people over the age of 30. Causes of Dandruff Skin cells are formed continuously on the scalp, so the shedding of dead skin cells is a normal process. With dandruff, however, skin cells are shed at a faster rate than normal. Oil from the scalp causes the skin cells to clump together and appear as white flakes. Dandruff can be caused by a number of things, including dry skin; sensitivity to hair products; and skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or eczema.The overgrowth of yeast can also cause dandruff. This overgrowth can be caused by stress, hormones, too much oil on the scalp, or problems with the immune system. Symptoms and Complications of Dandruff The symptoms of dandruff include white flakes of dead skin in the hair and on the shoulders, as well as an itchy, red, or scaly scalp. Common dandruff flakes are usually scattered throughout the scalp. If seborrheic dermatitis is the cause of dandruff, the symptoms usually appear gradually. The scalp becomes dry or greasy and feels itchy. As skin cells die, they turn to yellowish scales. A bad case of seborrheic dermatitis can also cause symptoms in other parts of the body. Yellowish or reddish scaling can appear on the hairline, in and around the ears, or on the nose and chest. Affected newborn babies may get a thick and crusty rash on the scalp, called cradle cap. The flakes associated with psoriasis look like silver scales, which may also commonly be apparent on the ears, extremities, palms, and soles.

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3 mantra for your Hair to grow right. June 29, 2012 11:19

And those are Aamla, Shikaakay and Reetha. we find them on shampoos as well. but, how to make the adequate use of these, for a better hair growth. If u have alll of these in powdered form, then what u need to do is, put some of amla,reetha n shikakai in some boiler, fill it with water, n then boil this until the water is almost half of the actual amount. Then, there are like two ways Either u can stain the water and throw the amla,reetha,shikakai and just simply wash ur hair with that water ( ur shampoo routine doesn't need to be affected by this i mean u can shampoo ur hair as u normally do) U can use the whole mixture ; the water with amla,reetha,shikakai powder in it, and wash ur hair with the whole mixture. The problem in this way is that the powder stucks in the hair n when u comb/brush ur hair, the powders keeps on falling here n there, was a bit messay for me though. And now, IF u don't have amla,reetha,shikakai in powdered form, u have these 3 herbs in kind of their solid form, then not to worry well what one of my cousins used to do was, she took a piece of cloth ( any) and she put some of amla,reetha,shikakai in it, and then she tied the piece of cloth ( making a bag kindof a thing, getting my point?) after this, she did the same as i told u above, she put that bag ( with amla,reetha,shikakai) in a boiler,filled with water n boiled this for sometime, n then after cooling the water, she used to place THAT bag over her head, kept it dipping for a few times in THAT boiled water n placed THAT bag over her head for a few times ( ofcourse it has the essence of amla,reeth n shikakai now) and then after this, she simply washed her hair with that water ( u can pour that boiled water over ur hair and can let it be there for like 5 min. if u have time, so that it gets to the roots, also u can massage this mixture in ur hair for a few min, as per u like)

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Pamper your Colored Hair June 28, 2012 12:06

 Using Hair Colors is as common as using any other beauty product these days… even though this is the nth time I am mentioning, if not properly taken care, your hair color can definitely damage the natural instinct of your hair… here are some quick tips that can be used to take care of your colored hair… Trim your hair every four to six weeks to remove split ends and make your hair more manageable. A good haircut is the best foundation for the rest of the steps. It allows you to spend less time fussing with your hair and applying heat and more chemicals in an effort to coax it into doing what it doesn't want to do. Use a shampoo specially formulated for color-treated hair, and if you must wash everyday, shampoo only once. When you shampoo, avoid tugging your hair, and wash gently. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the shampoo. Don't wash your hair if it isn't dirty. Use a conditioner for color-treated hair each time you shampoo, and apply a little extra to the ends. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the conditioner. Removing all traces of shampoo and conditioner minimizes any film that attracts dirt, hides hair's natural shine, and makes hair less manageable. It also means that you may not have to wash as frequently. Apply a deep conditioner once a month. Use a special micro-fiber hair-drying towel. They absorb more moisture than regular bath towels, allowing you to apply less heat to dry your hair. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair with minimal breakage. Blow-dry your hair when it's almost dry. The more heat you apply, the more damage you inflict to the cuticle. Dry with your fingers instead of a brush until the very end of the drying process. Ionic blow dryers reportedly dry hair up to 60 per cent faster than other blow dryers. Avoid curling irons and hot rollers. Style your hair with a brush and blow dryer. If you must apply mousse, styling gel, and/or hair spray, apply them sparingly. All of these styling aids contain drying chemicals and dull the shine. Brush your hair gently. If you have long hair, use hair accessories instead of rubber bands for ponytails. If you have long hair, use hair accessories instead of rubber bands for ponytails. Avoid chlorine, and when you do swim, wash the chlorine out of your hair as soon as possible after swimming. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun. When you color your hair, there's no need to apply color to your entire head. It may be easier to color your entire head, but repeatedly coloring the ends inflicts more damage and encourages breakage. Instead, apply color to the roots and pull the color through with a wide-tooth comb at the end. Color your entire head no more than twice a year.

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Hair care... myths and facts... June 27, 2012 13:06

Please find some myths and reality about the regular hari care we posses, that would help us take a better hair care; Problem: fine, dull, flat hair SolutionVolumising products really work, but make sure you go for a quality product.Cheaper products often contain manmade plastic polymers that coat the hairs and leave them looking dull.A high-end product will tend to contain plant proteins such as keratin and soy protein that build up the hair more naturally, maintaining shine. Problem: split ends and breaking hair SolutionNo hair product is going to solve this problem.Once the hairs have reached the stage where they split or break, the only thing to do is get a hairdresser to trim them.People who use too many chemical products on their hair tend to suffer more than others.Replenishing moisture in your hair with a quality conditioner will help prevent this problem.People who are prone to split ends should get their hair trimmed at least every six weeks. Problem: greasy or dry hair SolutionChoose a shampoo and conditioner suited to your hair type.If your hair shows sign of greasiness within 24 hours, go for a product for greasy hair.If your hair isn't greasy after two days, pick a normal shampoo.If your hair isn't greasy after three or more days, choose a product for dry hair. Problem: grey hair SolutionTry not to use colorants more than once every six weeks, particularly if they contain bleaching agents.You should be able to maintain the lustre of the hair if you use good quality conditioners and hair masks.Shampoos designed for dyed hair often contain tiny bits of pigment that attach to the cuticle layer and improve the colour and radiance of hair.For the best results it's a good idea to get your hair professionally dyed. Always test a small area first for any allergic reaction. Problem: dandruff skin flakes The main cause of dandruff is a microscopic yeast that occurs naturally on everyone's scalp.Normally, as dead skin cells are shed they are washed or brushed away without trace.But if these skin yeasts start to increase, they irritate the scalp and trigger an inflammatory immune response.The turnover of scalp skin cells increases, which causes them to die more quickly and clumps of dead skin cells are formed.The skin starts to itch, peel and visible flakes develop. This is known as dandruff. SolutionUsing a good dandruff shampoo generally clears up the problem.If you are prone to dandruff, you will have to continue to use the medicated shampoo to keep the condition at bay.If you find the problem is not cleared up by conventional shampoos, you should visit a trichologist for further investigation. When is it worth changing products?Below are five signs you need to change your hair care routine.Dry, lifeless dull hair.Split ends and breaking hair.Itchy or sore, flaky scalp.Lank and greasy hair.Frizzy, unmanageable hair. Are expensive hair products better than cheaper brands? Cheaper brands use poorer ingredients and can leave the hair dull and lifeless.No product is intrinsically going to change the structure of your hair, but good quality products can leave it looking shiny and healthy.You want to go for a salon brand if you can, but if you are counting your pennies opt for high-end products from the chemist or supermarket.More expensive products often go further because they are more concentrated, so you can use less. Myth: washing your hair every day strips out the nutrients.Fact: washing your hair every day with a quality shampoo invigorates the scalp and leaves the hair healthy and shiny.Myth: your hair gets used to one shampoo so you should change it regularly.Fact: as long as it's a good shampoo suited to your scalp and hair type, you should get fine results every time.Myth: if you never wash your hair, it will clean itself.Fact: it will just get dirtier and could result in an irritated, itchy scalp and greasy, lank hair.Myth: you shouldn't use conditioner if your hair is greasy.Fact: only people with very short hair don't need conditioner. The key is not to massage the conditioner into the scalp, but only apply it to the body and tips of your hair.Myth: rinsing with cold water makes your hair shinier.Fact: this one is true. Cold water helps to close the cuticle layer on the hair strand and helps conditioner work better, leaving the hair more lustrous.

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Splits.... a hurdle for hair growth... but why??? June 26, 2012 10:59

Just like many other hurdles to our beauty, we are aware that a lot of splits on hair would prevent the hair from growth... but, have you ever thought to know what causes split ends??? Do it now... you could prevent your splits and grow your hair faster; Excessive Combing -The more you handle your hair, the likelier it is that you’ll damage it. Many people comb their hair to the point that they are actually ruining it. Excessive combing will cause your hair to break and split at the ends. Avoid split ends by not being so harsh with the comb. Poor Diet - Poor eating habits affect nearly every aspect of our health. Many people have unhealthy hair because of their diet. A diet lacking essential nutrients causes your hair to dry out. This lack of moisture will eventually cause split ends. You can avoid split ends by following a healthy diet that contains all the essential fatty acids your body needs. Unprotected Heating - Every day, millions of people cause damage to their hair by using heating appliances. If you don’t protect your hair with a product first, a blow dryer can severely damage your hair, which causes split ends. Blow drying strips away hair's natural moisturizers, leaving it dry and unhealthy. We recommend using H2-Ion. H2-Ion is a split ends treatment that turns the blow dryer into your hair’s best friend. Towel Drying - If you’re like most people, after you wash your hair you dry it with a towel. Towel drying can be very harmful to the health of your hair. If you rub your hair harshly with the towel, the friction will cause split ends. Instead, you should gently squeeze the water out of your hair with the towel. This will help you to avoid split ends. So, you have got an idea for the cause of split ends on your hair and I suppose working on preventing these is no big deal... just start a new morning with more protection about your hair...

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Ear rings as per your face shape... June 25, 2012 11:36

Choosing accessories is common... but, choosing right accessories for your personality that suit your face shape are mandatory if you are a fashion freak… look beautiful by getting ready, like ‘perfect’… Hopefully after my last few posts you’ve now got more of an idea of your face shape.  Remember, these are guidelines only, and very few faces are exactly shaped.  In many ways, what is most important to figure out is: Is your face:  longer, shorter or medium in length.Is your face: narrower or broader in width.Is your face more angular or curved in appearance.Is your face balanced (similar width at both forehead and jaw) or unbalanced (either forehead or jaw wider)Long and narrow, angular – most likely a rectangleLong and narrow, curved – most likely an oblongMedium length, and width, angular – hexagonMedium length and width, curved – ovalMedium length and width but more pointed forehead and chin – diamondShort in length, curved – roundShort in length, angular – squareMedium in length, broad at chin – triangle or if more curved in shape – teardropMedium in length, broad at forehead, narrow or pointed chin – heartI hope you can get an idea of your face shape. Then remember, where your facial features sit within your face also affects the appearance of the shape, and so of course the hairstyles that are most flattering for you.  As Sonya commented yesterday: Having known for a while that I have an oblong shaped face, I was mystified as to why bangs and no height in my hairstyle looked so bad on me. Supposedly these would both reduce a too long face (compared to the oval ideal). The answer depends on where on your face the excess length occurs. In my case I am long between eyes and chin but normal length above. So, reducing the length of my forehead/upper portion of face just emphasized the longest (most out of proportion) part. This might help some others who also find that some of the standard corrections make things worse! Thanks Sonya for taking the time to comment. This is one of the reasons figuring out a face shape is so difficult and why the rules don’t necessarily work.So now you will have a better idea of your face shape and the hairstyles that will work better with it (given of course all the factors mentioned in this post, about hair texture etc.). Now – which earrings to choose? Earrings can help to balance your face, especially your chin/jaw and the length of your face.  As far as length goes, unless your personality is very dramatic, avoid earrings that fall past the end of your chin.

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Welcome the season with a beauty... June 23, 2012 15:05

If you are welcoming rains, welcome the dryness it gets to your skin as well..... this definitely not mean you need to live with a dry skin... know how to take care of dry skin in rainy season... Cleanse your skin daily using a soap free cleanser. Also make use of a gentle scrub (with uniform mild beads) once a day to get rid of dead cells. Cleansing should be followed by toning using an alcohol free toner, since increased humidity could open up your poresFace wash containing alpha hydroxyl acid helps to freshen the skin, but do not use it more than once a day. Just because it is raining, don’t reduce consumption of water. Drink your usual 8-10 glasses of water. Your skin is always thirstier than you are!Use a toner each time you wash your face to close the pores and restore your skin’s pH balance. Moisturizing Monsoonal Skin Skin becomes dehydrated during the monsoon which is why you must moisturize it regularly.For dry skin, make a mixture of jojoba oil, fresh curd or yoghurt and honey in equal parts. Apply this as a face pack for about ten minutes and rinse it off with a mild face wash. For oily skin, make a cocktail of oil and rose water. You can use any oil of your choice; for example, use orange oil. Use two drops of this oil with two teaspoons of rose water. Apply it on your face like a moisturizer. Then, rinse off with cold water after 10 min.Cleansing your Skin in the Monsoons You need to be extra careful about cleansing your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture. The cleansing agent should be gentle and yet, it should be strong enough to remove every trace of dust and dirt from your skin. This is why you should use natural home remedies, especially during the monsoons. For dry skin, crush a handful of almonds and mix it with honey to make a paste. Massage this on your face for about five minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water.For oily skin, make a pulp out of pieces of papaya or use an oatmeal scrub. Apply this on your face and then wash it off with cold water.

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Root cause for Hair Fall... June 21, 2012 13:12

Till date we have talked a lot about how to get rid of a excess hair fall, increase hair growth and density and even texture... but, let us know general reasons for hair fall as such, hope knowing them can make you work more for a better hair growth; Since hormones both stimulate hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. These can affect both men and women in the following ways: Childbirth After pregnancy many women experience a loss of hair, this is caused many hair simultaneously entering the resting (telogen) phase. Within two to three months after giving birth, some women will notice large amounts of hair coming out in their brushes and combs. This can last one to six months, but resolves completely in most cases. This condition is caused by the hormonal changes that take place after a woman's body recovers from her pregnancy. Birth control pills Women who have a genetic predisposition to suffer from Androgenic Alopecia can have it occur at a much younger age by taking birth control pills. The hormonal changes that occur trigger the onset of the Androgenic Alopecia. If a woman has a history of female pattern loss in her family she should advise her doctor before going on the pill. After the discontinuation of the pill the woman may notice that her hair begins shedding two or three months later. This may continue for six months when it usually stops. In some cases the process cannot be reversed and the woman may not regrow some of the hair that was lost. DISEASE OR ILLNESS Since the follicle is a very sensitive it does respond to imbalances in the body. Most hair loss causes by disease or illness is temporary and resolves itself after the body has returned to a healthy condition. High fever, severe infection, severe fluSometimes one to three months after a high fever, severe infection or flu, a person may experience hair loss, this is usually temporary and corrects itself. Thyroid disease. Both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Thyroid disease can be diagnosed by your physician with laboratory tests. Hair loss associated with thyroid disease can be reversed with proper treatment. Deficient dietSome people who go on low protein diets, or have severely abnormal eating habits, may develop protein malnutrition. To help save protein the body shifts growing hair into the resting phase. If this happens massive amounts of hair shedding can occur two to three months later. A sign of this is if the hair can be pulled out by the roots fairly easily. This condition can be reversed and prevented by eating the proper amount of protein. Its very important when dieting to maintain an adequate protein intake. MedicationsSome prescription drugs may cause temporary hair shedding in a small percentage of people. Examples of such drugs include some of the medicines used for the following: gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, or blood thinner. High doses of vitamin A may also cause hair shedding. Cancer treatments. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will cause hair loss because it stops hair cells from dividing. Hairs become thin and break off as they exit the scalp. This occurs one to three weeks after the treatment. Patients can lose up to 90 percent of their scalp hair. The hair will regrow after treatment ends and patients may want to get wigs before treatment. There are some drugs in development to help prevent this hair loss from occurring. Low serum iron Iron deficiency occasionally produces hair loss. Some people don't have enough iron in their diets or may not fully absorb iron in their diets. Women who have heavy menstrual periods may develop iron deficiency. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests and can be corrected by taking iron pills. Major surgery/chronic illnessAnyone who has a major operation - a tremendous shock to the system - may notice increased hair shedding within one to three months afterwards. The condition reverses itself within a few months but people who have a severe chronic illness may shed hair indefinitely. A relatively unknown fact is that hair transplantation surgery can actually cause additional hair loss or "shock fallout". Hairs lost from shock fallout usually don't regrow. Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the scalpCaused by a fungus infection, ringworm (which has nothing to do with worms) begins with small patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing. This contagious disease is most common in children and oral medication will cure it. StressStress can cause hair loss is some people. Usually it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has occured and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. In most cases it is temporary if the person is not predisposed to genetic or Androgenic Alopecia, if they are stress may trigger the onset of genetic hair loss or may worsen existing Androgenic hair loss.If your hair seems to be not growing even after several efforts, just take an expert advice for taking a right treatment!

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Look young naturally... June 20, 2012 12:42

We hate any marks and wrinkles at least on our face... irrespective of our age and life style we prefer to stay young all the time... we use what not and eat what not to fulfill our wish??? Keep aside these, entire do you want to stay young for a longer time naturally??? Then here are some facial exercises that could help you; Raise your eyebrows as high as you can and hold them for five seconds. Open your mouth as wide as possible and stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold for a few seconds.Using your three center fingers, press down on your cheeks and smile as hard as you can to raise your cheek muscles against your fingers. Move your nose as much as you can from side to side. Lift your eyebrows as high as you can, open your eyes as wide as possible and frown at the same time. Pucker your lips out as far as possible into the shape of an "O." Then change your expression into a wide smile. Repeat several times.Sit in a comfortable chair and look up at the ceiling. Pucker your lips and stick your tongue out as far as possible to exercise your neck muscles. Facial exercise is no less than a Yoga for Body... The idea behind facial yoga is the same as for exercising the rest of your body, in that facial muscles will naturally begin to lose elasticity and flexibility with age due to lack of use, which leads to a droopy appearance. Your face consists of more than 50 different muscles, stretched like layered, elastic sheets on top of your cranium and facial tissues. These muscles can act singly and in combination, creating the many facets of facial expressions. But aside from allowing you to express emotion, your facial muscles also play a key role in the contouring and shaping of your face, and this is how facial exercises can help you maintain a more youthful look as you age, by preventing drooping eyelids and a sagging neckline, for example, by regularly exercising your various facial muscles, you can ensure they remain firm, which will support your skin and prevent sagging. Increasing blood flow and circulation through these muscles can also help counteract wrinkles. Clearly, adopting a regular facial exercise routine is to be preferred over costly, and potentially dangerous, plastic surgeries. It doesn’t require any special equipment, although you can find various contraptions that claim to help, but in general, you can easily perform face yoga using nothing more than your fingers to create light resistance.

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Add life to your hair this monsoon! June 19, 2012 10:43

Welcome to the season of monsoon... this is a time when your requires that extra care, to avoid hair fall and split ends, that put together, leading to a lifeless hair... add life to your hair with these tips; Firstly, choose a sensible hairstyle. Though short hair is easier to maintain in the rains, select a style that can bounce back into place easily after being wet. Avoid hairstyles that require your hair to be straightened, crimped or curled since the high levels of humidity in the air will make the hair go limp. Try not to use hair sprays and gels, as the lacquers and gums can stick to the scalp causing dandruff. No matter how much trouble you take to keep your head dry, a heavy rainy day is sure to leave you soaking. Proper drying of hair can help in minimizing the damage of excessive wetting of hair. If you dry your hair with a towel, avoid rough back and forth motions. And pat-dry your hair gently before using an electric blower. Also, make sure that the temperature is not too high or you may end up burning your hair. Do not leave your hair wet or tie it while it is wet, as this could cause dandruff. The monsoon, sandwiched between the heat of summer stickiness and winter dryness, is generally ignored when it comes to hair care. A regular hair care routine can go a long way in insuring you against tangles, wet and messy hair. To avoid this, remember that extra time to be involved to pamper your hair, if no with all those spa and special treatments, at least a basic hair care as such...

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Pimple care in monsoons! June 18, 2012 16:31

skin care regime is different from season to season, so as the addressing towards the skin issues... let’s Just as the find out what is the skin care regime for pimples during this monsoons; Clean the skin by washing thoroughly with soap and by removing impurities. After this you must exfoliate the skin meaning remove the dead cells from the skin. Freshen up skin by reopening of pores and moisturzing skin by applying moisturizers. Then put a base before putting cosmetics. Sunscreen is very important when it is cloudy and about to rain. Most people make mistake of not putting sunscreen in this weather but we shd use a sunscreen which should be water resistant, oil free and have high level of Vit- C. If your skin is normal then you must use sunscreen with high SPF while the oily skin person should go for sunscreen with mineral fillersDon’t forget to buy an extra pack of oil absorbing tissues that can remove the oily shine your skin can get in this weather. They also help to keep your make up looking fresh all the day. Face packs preferably fruit base face packs should be used twice a week. Multani mitti face packs can be made at home which are wonderful for the skin. Mix multani Mitti with rose water and curd and besan to make this mask . Apply it on face and keep it till it dries and cracks off. Remove it with help of cold water. Since in rains the level of humidity in atmosphere is very high so evaporation from the face is minimum. So one should wash his or her face as much as possible with mild soap. In very humidity we should wash our face 4 to 5 times a day. Now when we wash our face with soap and since we are washing it so many times, the face skin might loose some moisture. So donot forget to apply moisturizers after every time you wash your face with soap. It would keep skin hydrated which is very important in skin care. Deep cleansers should be used frequently if you have oily skin because oily skin tend to accumulate lots of dust and grime in this weather. This can lead to closing of pores in the skin which leads to acne and pimples. So it is must for oily skin. In Night we must not leave make up on our skin and let the skin breath. So it is very essential to remove the make up on the skin using oil free make up remover followed by a nice shower.

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Hair and skin care for this monsoons... June 16, 2012 18:09

Finally, the first rain is out and the monsoons are in… so, it is understood we need to alter our basic skin and hair care regime according to the season as well... Wash your face at least once a day with a mild face wash or a soap free cleanser. Using a gentle scrub with mild beads can also help remove dirt and other impurities from the face without damaging the skin. Using an alcohol free toner to tone your skin (after cleansing) could so wonders for dry, dull looking skin. Light lotion based moisturizers that contain lactic acid and skin lightening agents can also keep your skin hydrated for extended periods.A cloudy day doesn’t mean you can walk out into the open without wearing your regular SPF sunscreen. The harmful UV rays of the sun have the ability to pass through clouds and so can end up hurting your skin anyways. Never step out of your house without wearing sunscreen, even if it happens to be an extremely cloudy day. Since rain can wreck havoc on your makeup, opt for light (preferably water proof) or no makeup to stay safe.Keep your skin hydrated from inside by drinking plenty of water every day. You can also opt for vegetable soups and fresh salads to keep your skin moisturized and healthy during the monsoons. The monsoons are when our hair tends to lose its shine and become limp and frizzy, making it very difficult to maintain the same. Well here are some tips to help you get through the monsoon season without sacrificing your tresses.Wash your hair at least twice a week using a good quality shampoo and conditioner. Opting for a volumising shampoo/conditioner would help retain the natural volume of your hair. Avoid blow drying your hair as the excess heat can make it frizzy and dull. If you do not have any other choice, then apply a leave on conditioner to your hair right before your blow dry it. This would keep your hair shiny and soft for longer periods. Take a shower immediately if you tend to get wet in the rain. And wait for your hair to dry completely afterwards. Do not attempt to tie wet hair as this may break the strands. Opt for oil massages once a week to keep your hair smooth. And stay away from greasy style products that can wreck havoc on your beautiful tresses.

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