Ranbir Kapoor, whose 'Besharam' trailer is making waves, is taking the path that may cross with the big 'Khans' of Bollywood. Until now, no one has threatened the iconic status and BO pull of the three Khans. Ranbir is slowly getting ready for bigger stakes, all at the young age of 30.
The boy recently turned 31, but in his father's eyes Ranbir is a man with no comparison. Rishi Kapoor challenged that there is no actor who can give as much variety as his son. Silently and modestly Ranbir is proving his dad right. After Barfi, he gave a peppy Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani.
Next up is a no holds barred Besharam. Soon, it is heard that Ranbir will also turn into a co-producer with a big production house with Rs 100 Crore projects. It was the Khan (Aamir, Shah Rukh, Salman) territory until now, wherein the actors take part of the profits after the movie releases. Mr Kapoor is taking on the big stakes with big confidence to boot.
When queried about whether he would go on another foreign trip with Katrina Kaif, he retorted, "When pictures get published, you only inform. What should I say?” On questions about what jilted lady love Kat gifted him, he says, "There is a phrase in English 'Mind your own business'.” Over confidence? You decide.
(AW: Sruthi)