Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika's unusual romance in Chennai Express has hit the mark. The film has entered the Rs 100 crore club within just 3 days of its release, thereby breaking records and making history.
Chennai Express took away Rs 6.75 crore with just the paid previews, Rs 33.12 crore on the opening day, which is the highest for an opening day, and promptly crossed Rs 100 crores after the weekend. This sets very high standards for future films looking to break a record.
It is said that Chennai Express may also break the record of 3 Idiots as the highest all-time grossers at the rate it is going. Directed by Apoorva Lakhia, The film is a laugh riot with Shah Rukh battling native Tamilians to win over his Meenamma.
(AW: Sruthi)