Sanjay Dutt, who is serving his jail term in connection with the 1993 Mumbai Blasts case, is suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) and insomnia. Further to say, the team of doctors who examined Sanjay Dutt, found out he is suffering from PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease), a physical disorder which lower in degree the blood supply to both the legs, thus making it painful for the patient to walk. The doctors also thought out this condition was due to Sanjay Dutt's immoderate indulgence in smoking as well as hypertension. Reports are that the Yerawada jail authorities have now sent a proposal to the government authorities asking them permission to shift Sanjay to JJ Hospital as Sassoon General Hospital is deficient with the infrastructure to conduct CT Angiogram/ Arterial Angiography. In fact, DG Kulkarni, Medical Superintendent, Sassoon General Hospital, resolved that while the CT Angiogram wasn't possible at their hospital, the required machines to carry out arterial angiography weren't working due to unavailability of a few parts.
In the intervening time, Yogesh Desai, Yerawada Jail's Superintendent, said that he was unknowing if Sanjay Dutt was suffering from any such physical disorder. He also added that there were no plans to send Sanjay to JJ Hospital for any kind of test or surgery. The same answer was echoed by Rizwan Merchant (Dutt's lawyer) who also expressed saying that he wasn't aware of any physical disorder otherwise any tests.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)