The recent Bollywood wedding of RiteishDeshmukh and Genelia D'Souza has not only witnessed the industry's biggies but also the happenings. More than any other celeb who attended this wedding, many eyes were noticing Saif Ali Khan who was bonding with almost all the celebs including his to be father in law, Randhirkapoor (KareenaKapoor’s father) and of course with Amir Khan as well…
A leading newspaper reports that during this meet Saif took a dig at Aamir by saying that he had forgotten his coat, while Aamir commented that Saif had forgotten his shoes.Aamir and Saif are the two Bollywood Khans, who have never been in any war and they have been great friends since their days of DilChahtaHai.
While Saif came to the reception party with KareenaKapoor and RandhirKapoor, Aamir Khan was already present there. Both were seen in their best of attires as Aamir was wearing a white formal shirt and Saif, a nawabiachkan. Though both were seen bonding well with each other, few eyewitnesses claim that they also snubbed each other.
Well, in this scenario of Saif bonding with all his colleagues from the Industry might be to be in the good books of everyone. So, bebo’s love has changed Saif for better.