Here is the latest update about 'Rebel'... Despite the divided talk, very weak reviews and deadly low ratings.'Rebel' seems to be a winner in market going by the first week world wide collections. Yes, early reports claim of prabhas raking nearly Rs.20 Crores of overall share which is quite a high number compared to his earlier performances at BO. When a film like ‘Rebel’ can do this kind of stunning business, one can anticipate on the complete potentiality of prabhas if he comes up with a unique positive spoken flick.
This is where a budget of Rs.70 Crores on prabhas-Rajamouli combo look quite justified. As Jakkanna has the knack of showcasing the grandeur on whatever invested with additional heroism of prabhas forever an advantage, definitely entire India will look at this project once it goes on sets by this year end.