The Superstar of India, Rajinikanth has a huge fan following across the globe. Though many have asked him to join politics, the actor never showed interest in politics and power.
There were days when his one statement, just before elections, was an advantage to one party and disadvantage to the other.
Although many of the actor's co-stars have joined politics, including Chiranjeevi, Ambareesh & others, the actor did not. Whenever they tried to provoke him to jump into the action, he silently laughed off but never dared to offer a comment.
But, recently, there has been a huge buzz that Superstar would be joining state politics in order to gain the best advantage of existing political void, after the death of Amma Jayalalitha.
All this started when Rajinikanth gave a sensational statement on 'Power' which has generated a lot of wave among political circles and media.
While attending a book launch event, he said, 'I would like to call myself a spiritualist more than an actor. If money, fame are kept on one side and spiritualism on another hand, I would pick spirituality because it has so much power. I am someone who likes power. Don't mistake me.'
After the statement, a large uproar started that he's interested in Political power. To en-cash, the actor's craze among Tamilians, many parties including BJP is planning to join hands with him.
However, the actor cleared the air by giving a statement and ensuring things fall back quickly. 'The power I was mentioning is Spiritual power,' he clarified.
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