Talk less and work more is the policy of Kajal in the sets as she reveals.
More talk gives room to revealing more personal details. After exchanging views of their own sometimes it may turn into a conflict, ego clashes and ultimately splitting up. Then anyhow they will not be in talking terms. Why invite all the trouble forgoing mental peace?
How smart our Kajal is!
Normal thinking is that that a beautiful face will not have a smart brain at the back of it but Kajal proved it wrong. Too much of mixing with people may sometimes boomerang on her. That is why she reads books (or acts like doing it) in the recesses between shots.
Instead of ending a relation with a hard feeling, is it not better to keep them only ‘hello how are you’?
Kajal at present is busy with Tamil movie Jilla with Vijay. He film with Vijay Tuppaki directed by Murugados was a great hit in Tamil. Kajal is going appear in Ramcharan's Yevadu in a guest role.