Ram's fourth coming film, after the success of 'Kandireega' and a flop with 'Yendukante Premanta', a pakka commercial - family entertainer 'Ongolu gitta's audio was launched yesterday… the music scores are composed by Ram's personal favorite G.V. Prakash Kumar...
Right from successful director S.S. Raja Mouli to the film’s crew were present at the event, launched the audio and announced the release of this film to happen on January end.
Ram, heroine of the film Kriti Karbanda, producer B.V.S.N. Prasad and the director of the film, 'Bommarillu' Bhaskar were present at the event and expressed their happiness on film coming out really well and for sure grabbing audience applause after the release.
The music is out in the market... all those G.V. Prakash's tunes ka fans, start enjoying another entertaining album from this music director, titled 'Ongolu gitta'.