Kajal Agarrwal and Ravi Teja starrer earlier film, 'Veera' is definitely a biggest flop for Ravi Teja in recent times. Of course, his release 'Nippu' has proved to be a bigger disaster for him, later...
Now, the Actor is again romancing his 'Veera' heroine Kajal Agarrwal in 'Sir Occhaaru', that is scheduled for a release in 3rd week of this month...
On the other hand, this movie has got another heroine, who proved to be very lucky for Mass Maharaja in 'Mirapakai' and she is Richa Gangopaadhyaay...
So, agar dekha jaaye toh will Ravi's 'Veera' cycle would repeat or 'Mirapakai's success would follow him in 'Sir Occhaaru'?