South hot belle Trisha’s excuse to benefit Bollywood blonde Prach Desai in the Tamil Remake in Hindi Saamy directed by versatile director K S Ravikumar, say sources. The much speculated Tamil film Saamy had reaped well at the box office and the Director proposes to remake the film in Hindi. In Tamil Vikram paired with Trisha did the lead roles and in Hindi Sanjay Dutt has been chosen for the lead say sources. Saamy was directed by Hari and was also remade in Telugu by him, as Lakshmi Narasimha, with Balakrishna and Asin playing the lead roles.
While the director felt that it would be apt if Trisha played her role in Hindi too, the actor felt otherwise. “I am shooting three Tamil films back to back, which require me to travel extensively as well. I had to decline because I could not accommodate anything new for the same reason. The Hindi film required me to allocate continuous dates from August,” relents the actor
The story revolves around a sincere police officer, who is affected by the antagonist severely. He is transferred to the area where the villain is a mafia lord. The officer joins hands with the mafia lord and takes a bribe for being with him. This money the officer uses to develop his village, which was devastated by the villain. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)