Looks like the rumor is true. ‘Idiot’ Heroine Rakshita who had a Love marriage with Kannada Director Prem is not compatible with him. Rakshita does not want to give any further chances on working her married life and decided to apply for a Divorce. Rakshita – Prem even have a Kid. Meanwhile, Rakshita is trying hard to re – enter film Industry.
Is the married life of most of the Heroines has to end up in crises. Not able to get out of their stardom, many heroines fail to work on their married life. Today, celebs are not even thinking of the ‘Adjustment Factor’ in their marriage. First thing that is coming up in their mind, when anything goes wrong is ‘Divorce’. Why do they take marriage so easily?
Hope at least Rakshita’s situation turns out positive and she remains with her Husband.