Allu Arjun and Sukumar Puzzled About Pushpa:- Stylish Star Allu Arjun is all eager to join the sets of his upcoming movie Pushpa. The film will be directed by Sukumar and is said to be an action entertainer that is set in the Chittoor backdrop. The film was initially planned to commence shoot in Kerala from March and the coronavirus pandemic attacked at the same time. The makers are left puzzled and the shoot was put on hold. Sukumar wanted to shoot the film in the forests of Andhra Pradesh. But with the coronavirus spread huge in AP, Sukumar shifted the focus to Kerala.
The makers are finding it difficult to acquire all the permissions. There are a lot of restrictions and the shoot of the film will not start any time soon. Sukumar and Allu Arjun are left puzzled and they will take the final call on the film soon. Rashmika Mandanna is the heroine and Bobby Simha is the lead antagonist. Devi Sri Prasad already completed recording the audio album for Pushpa. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers and the film is aimed for release during the second half of the year.