Telugu Veteran Actor Raavi Kondala Rao Passed Away:- Tollywood actor Raavi Kondala Rao breathed his last today after he suffered a massive heart attack. The 88-year-old actor was rushed to a private hospital in Hyderabad's Begumpet and Raavi Kondala Rao passed away this afternoon. Raavi Kondala Rao is survived by his wife and son. Raavi Kondala Rao acted in over 600 films in his career and he worked as a writer, producer and editor. Raavi Kondala Rao started his career as a journalist and his career spanned for over four decades as an actor.
Raavi Kondala Rao penned the story of Pelli Pusthakam and he wrote the dialogues for yesteryear classic Bhairava Dweepam. Raavi Kondala Rao even worked as an editor for Vanitha and Jyothi magazines when he worked as a journalist. Tollywood is left in shock with the sudden demise of Raavi Kondala Rao and several celebrities expressed their condolences for the family of the veteran actor. The last rites of Raavi Kondala Rao will take place tomorrow. May his soul rest in peace.
(Video Source: NTV Telugu)