Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s upcoming film ‘Dhruva‘ is going to hit the big screen on Friday, December 9th. As the Film release date is approaching nearer, makers are spending a huge amount for the promotions.
As part of promotions, the film unit released a 1-minute dialogue scene from the film on December 7th. In the sneak peek video, Ram Charan clearly explains what the film is all about. Ram Charan plays the role of a cop. He is seen very confident and impressive throughout the scene.
'Dhruva' is an action thriller film directed by Surender Reddy. the movie has been produced by Allu Aravind under Geetha Arts banner. Dhruva movie is the official remake of Tamil super hit movie ‘Thani Oruvan’ .
The movie has been cinematographed by P. S. Vinod & Aseem Mishra. It has been Edited by Naveen Nooli.
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