The recently released Telugu dubbed movie ‘Bichagadu’ is running up successfully at the box office. It has made many of stakeholder Rich.
The Telugu release rights was sold out for Rs 40 Lakh and now it has earned Rs 13 Crores from both Telugu states. It has turned out silent money spinner.
The movie is directed by Sasi and presented by Chadalavada Tirupathi Rao in Telugu. Actor Vijay Antony and Satna Titus played the lead role.
Actor Vijay Antony has received good response by the audience as it has beaten Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam at the box office. It also became the first choice of movie lovers. Vijay said that his success in Tollywood would enhance his commercial reputation as a star in South Indian film Industry.
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By M. Divya Shri