Megastar Chiranjeevi is currently busy preparing for his 150th film and the movie will be directed by VV Vinayak which has been titled as Kathilantodu. Chiru is currently on break as the script work of the movie has been wrapped up. The regular shoot of the film is expected to start from the mid of June and Kathilantodu will hit the screens during Sankranthi next year.
Chiranjeevi along with Nagarjuna, Allu Aravind and Nimmagadda Prasad have been to Tirumala for Lord Venkateswara swamy’s darshan. However he happened to meet Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar who came along with his family for darshan. Sachin, Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna, Allu Aravind and Nimmagadda Prasad bonded with each other for some time.
All these celebrities will visit the temple during VIP break darshan today.