The recently released Tamil movie ‘Thani Oruvan’ has been getting rave reviews from national media. The movie had created enough buzz before its release due to its cast with Jayam Ravi and Nayanatara playing the lead roles and yester year’s hero Arvind Swamy with a crucial role.
The film released by end of August and since then the film has only been getting praises from Indian cinema and media. The film received applauds from the likes of Gautham Menon, Suriya, Khushbu, Kamal, PC Sreeram and Telugu stars like Nani and Allari Naresh.
Buzz is that this movie is being remade in all major Indian movie industries with Salman showing interest in Hindi and Puneet Raj kumar in Kannada. In Telugu we hear that Ram Charan is eager to remake the movie and has been playing cards carefully to ensure he bags the movie.
Ram Charan’s next being Srinu Vaitla’s ‘Bruce Lee’ followed by speculation on playing the character of Suresh Raina in Bollywood’s ‘M.S.Dhoni - The untold story’. If all goes well, Cherry would be working in the remake of the Tamil blockbuster and let’s hope it recreates the same magic in Telugu as well!
- Bharath