Versatile actor Prakash Raj has worked hard and he has received National recognition with his performance. He has done over 600 films in various languages and he has proved his talent as a director, writer and producer apart from actor. He is quite busy with many movies and he has been doing social service through his organization Prakash Raj Foundation. Superstar Mahesh Babu has recently come up with his latest movie Srimanthudu which has been directed by Koratala Siva. Sruthi Haasan is the heroine and Devi Sri Prasad composed the music.
Srimanthudu is a smashing hit all over and the concept of village adoption has impressed the audience. After the release of Srimanthudu, many actors and politicians have come up adopting villages. Mahesh has announced that he will adopt two villages and now Prakash Raj has decided to adopt two villages. He has met the IT and Panchayatraj Miniter KTR and confirmed that he will adopt Kondareddipalle village near Kakunoor in Mahabubnagar district. KTR has ordered the respective officers to take care of the necessary things and Prakash Raj also announced that he will adopt a village in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh.