Superstar Mahesh Babu who has not tasted success with his previous movies is coming up after an enough gap with Srimanthudu. The movie has been directed by Koratala Siva which is in final stages of shoot. Sruthi Haasan is playing the female lead in the movie and Jagapathi Babu is playing an important role in the movie as Mahesh’s father in the film. The movie has been made on a whopping budget and is said to be a family entertainer with loads of mass elements along with entertainment. The first look poster of the movie has been released today on the eve of Krishna’s birthday.
Sruthi Haasan who shaked leg with Mahesh in Aagadu is playing the female lead in the movie. Veteran actress Sukanya is playing the other important role in the movie. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for Srimanthudu and Rajendra Prasad, Sampath Raj will be seen in other important roles. Srimanthudu has been produced by Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar and Mohan on Mythri Movie Makers banner. The audio of Srimanthudu will be released in the second week of June and the movie has been slated for release in July. Mahesh has been working hard to bounce back to success league with this movie.