Talented young actor Sundeep Kishan has scored some super hits in his initial days of his career however his recent movies could not make much noise at the ticket window. He is getting ready with his latest movie Tiger which has completed shoot. The recently released audio has been impressive and the music has been composed by SS Thaman. Rahul Ravindran and Seerat Kapoor are the other important characters in the movie. The film has been set in the back drop of Varanasi and the movie has been shot exclusively in Varanasi and Hyderabad.
As per the latest update, Tiger will complete all the formalities and will release on April 10th all over. Abburi Ravi penned the script of the movie which has been directed by IV Anand who is making his directorial debut. He worked as an associate for AR Murugadoss in the past. Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer and the recently released theatrical trailer has created huge buzz on the movie. Popular producers NV Prasad and Tagore Madhu produced the film on NVR Cinemas banner. Hope Sundeep Kishan will bounce back to success league with Tiger.