Tollywood has witnessed the grand debut of many actors who have tried their legacy in acting taking over their parent’s profession. Recently Akhil Akkineni made his debut in the direction of VV Vinayak and the shoot of the movie is currently going on. Now all the eyes have been waiting for the debut of Nandamuri Young lion Mokshagna, son of Nandamuri Balakrishna who has been ruling Tollywood from the past 25 years. There are several rumors about the debut of this young lion however Balakrishna has confirmed some interesting things.
Balakrishna revealed “Mokshagna is currently in US and he is busy with his management studies. He will be into movies once he is done with his studies. He will also undergo a short training for movies before he starts shooting. The debut film will be directed by SS Rajamouli and Sai Korrapati will produce the movie on Vaarahi Chalana Chitra banner. I will complete my 100th film shoot by the time my son makes his debut”. This news has created a huge sensation all over and Nandamuri fans are desperately waiting for the debut of Mokshagna and the 100th movie of Balakrishna which will be in the direction of Boyapati Srinu.