Hero Rajasekhar who earlier expressed his willingness to work with Megastar Chiranjeevi, has invited the latter for the premiere show of 'Gaddam Gang' which is hitting the screens for this Friday. Rajasekhar and Chiru were not in good terms during Megastar's political entry and this brought a huge gap between both the heroes.
However, over the course of time, seem like the issue between the heroes is going to end soon. According to the grapevine, Rajasekhar has decided to keep the differences aside and came forward in inviting Chiru for the special screening of 'Gaddam Gang' movie. “I would like to invite Chiranjeevi and other heroes for the premiere show and if Chiru is interested, I will screen the movie specially for him,” added Rajasekhar.
'Gaddam Gang' is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster movie 'Soodhu Kavvum' and for the first time, Rajasekhar has dubbed his voice for his character in the movie. The film which has completed all the formalities, has attained an 'U/A' certificate from the censor board yesterday.