Bollywood producer Ekta Kapoor sued 'Munnabhai' Sanjay Dutt in a payment issue. Ekta claimed that she paid Sanjay Rs 1.5 crores for a film away back in 2008. According to the detailed information we have, Ekta and Suniel Shetty were supposed to produce a film with Sanjay Dutt. However, it was dropped due Sanjay Dutt differences with another producer Sanjay Gupta.
Actor Suniel Shetty brought this notice to Sanjay Dutt's wife Manyata but repeatedly they ignored this plea which forced Ekta to approach the court. Ekta has filed a petition against Sanjay Dutt asking him to repay the amount she paid with interest.
Payment issues are always quite common in the film industry but this is for the first time, a matter involving big stars became public.
(AW: Vamshi)