Bollywood's Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan said his role in his upcoming movie 'PK' is the toughest that he ever played in 25 years of his filmy career. But the 'Ghajini' actor also said it is the best role he ever did and is looking forward for the film's release.
Aamir disclosed that he had to many paans [Betel leaf] for the film while few from the film unit say, Aamir ate about 1000 paans through out the film's shooting. 'PK' first poster hit the controversy as Aamir appeared only with a transistor covering his modesty and many went to the court over this. However, the court replied to see entertainment in the same angle and should not make them an issue.
The trailer of PK was launched recently and Aamir was seen completely differently like never before. The trailer was released along with Shah Rukh Khan's 'Happy New Year' movie in theatres and Aamir added that it is privilege for him. PK will be lighting the screens on December 19th.
Aamir is planning a special screening of the movie for actor Sanjay Dutt who played a crucial role in the film. Rajkumar Hirani directed the film.
(AW: Vamshi)