Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu hasn't been lucky when he works with a director for the second time. Be it Gunasekhar or Trivikram or Sreenu Vaitla, all the second films of Mahesh with these directors bombed at box office. But ignoring this sentiment, Mahesh has signed one more new project with Sreekanth Addala, the man who recreated the multi-starrer flicks.
Apparently, it was Mahesh's decision. Currently he is doing a film with Koratala Siva [Mirchi fame] and then he will be working with Puri Jagannadh. Both the flicks are out and out commercial films and so Mahesh wanted to a family drama. This is the reason to say yes to Sreekanth Addala who did not even narrate the script.
Balancing different genres is good tactic but Mahesh's second collaboration with Sreekanth Addala is something that needs to be looked out at.
(AW: Vamshi)