Here is it, the new look of Prabhas from the much talked and awaited flick 'Baahubali' has been revealed and it will go viral in the web in next few hours. The official Facebook page of Baahubali released a new look in which Prabhas was seen with a sword and axe which indicate he is part of a massive action sequence.
The macho look of Prabhas will definitely appeal to the masses and the expectations are growing each. Recently the makers have disappointed the fans by declining the rumours about the teaser. Nevertheless, not to upset the fans, the makers might released this new look.
Directed by SS Rajamouli, Baahubali is being made with a budget of Rs 175 crores and will be released in two parts. The first part will be out in 2015 Summer while the second will be released for Sankranthi 2016.
(AW: Vamshi)