Even after delivering biggest hits like 'Legend' director Boyapati Srinu was left with empty hands. There were reports that Boyapati approached Ram Charan and Allu Arjun individually but they seems to have not convinced with the script. Boyapati made repeated attempts to impress Ram Charan nonetheless all this attempts went in vain.
Now we hear from the Filmnagar folks that Boyapati found a hero and so has confirmed his next project. Well, the young hero is none other than debutant Alludu Seenu alias Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas. Boyapati is an expert in showing the mass-masala content and heroism along with regular family sentiment. The film is expected to be highly in the lines of same genre and Sreenivas dad, Bellamkonda Suresh is likely to be the producer.
A good move by debutant Sreenivas and also by Boyapati in making their choice, hope this film will be a bigger one than the previous.
(AW: Vamshi)