Mega Powerstar Ram Charan has hired renowned Bollywood fitness trainer Samir Jaura for his upcoming movie with director Sreenu Vaitla. Samir Jaura earlier worked for Priyanka Chopra and Hrithik Roshan and is reckoned as one of the expensive fitness experts.
So it seems that Ram Charan will sport in a new look and hence is working out to change is physique. Ram Charan will sweat out for atleast four hours hereafter in order to get the look. There was always a rumors, that Charan looks the same in every film and so to put an end, Charan is seriously focused.
Ram Charan and Sreenu Vaitla film will begin in September and might light the screens for summer 2015. Anyways we have to see how Ram Charan hard work pays off.
(AW: Vamshi)