Popular character actress Telangana Shakuntala died following a heart attack at her residence in the late hours of Friday. The 63 year old actress, stays in Kompalli and on Friday midnight she was hit by sudden heart attack. Family members have rushed Shakuntala to the nearest hospital but doctors have declared her dead.
Shakuntala rose to fame with her Telangana slang and Uday Kiran's 'Nuvvu-Nenu' and Venkatesh's 'Lakshmi' brought her fame. She made her debut in Tollywood in 1981 with 'Maa Bhoomi' movie and with Krishna Vamsi' 'Gulabi', Shakuntala got the due recognition.
So far Telangana Shakuntala has featured in over 70 films. AndhraWishesh deeply regrets the sudden demise of this talented actress.
(AW: Vamshi)