YVS Choudary's Rey movie which marks the debut of Megastar Chiranjeevi nephew Sai Dharam Tej is waiting for a release movie. So far the political turmoil has delayed the movie and now the director YVS is heard to take some more time for Rey's release. Apparently the reason for this delay is YVS is planning a tribute song on Pawan Kalyan in this film.
As a token of gratitude to Pawan Kalyan who extended full support to YVS during the making of Rey, a promotional song is getting filmed and Sai Dharam Tej will feature in it. The song is penned by Chandrabose and the makers will announce the release date shortly after the song gets wrapped up.
Saiyami Kher and Shradda Das are the female leads while Chakri rendered tunes to this musical film.
(AW: Vamshi)