The Production team of Fast and Furious have hired Paul Walker's brothers to complete the shooting of the seventh series of the franchise. Paul who died in a road accident in November 2013, has almost finished his portion of the shooting. However, there was little left to film and the makers have planned to hire a cadre of actors with similar builds that could be transformed into Paul via computer graphics.
But after hectic deliberations, Fast & Furious team roped Paul's brothers, Caleb and Cody to fill the shoes. Updating this, “We have resumed shooting and now welcome Paul’s brothers, Caleb and Cody, into our FAST family. Caleb and Cody are helping us complete some remaining action for their brother and fill in small gaps left in production. Having them on set has made us all feel that Paul is with us too,” said the official Facebook page which released a note to the fans.
Fast and Furious 7 will arrive to screens on April 10th 2015.
(AW: Vamshi)