Veteran Bollywood actress Nanda passed away this morning after a heart attack at her Versova residence in Mumbai. The 75 year old actress made her acting debut back in the year 1956 in her uncle and filmmaker V Shantaram's 'Toofan Aur Diya.'
Nanda later formed a hit pair with actor Shashi Kapoor and both appeared in 8 films including 'Jab Jab Phool Khile' [1965]. She was a good friend of Waheeda Rahman and was engaged to Amar Akbar Anthony director Manmohan Desai in the year 1992. However Nanda remained unmarried after the tragic death of Manmohan in the year 1994.
Rishi Kapoor's Prem Rog was the last film of Nanda in which she played a supporting role.
(AW: Vamshi)